Publisher: PAN Partners
Publication Type: Journal
Subjects: Environmental Humanities, Literature, Philosophy, Religion
Coverage: Issue 1 (2000) - onwards (Comprehensive)
Peer Reviewed: Yes
Philosophy Activism Nature is a journal publishing articles, essays and poetry exploring the philosophical underpinnings of environmental thought and the discursive changes needed to shift society towards a new ecological culture of sustainability. The journal seeks in particular to provide a forum for the exploration of the interface between ecology and environmental philosophy, on the one hand, and religion, mythology and Indigenous thought on the other. Dialogue between modern science and ancient or more traditional understandings of reality is also encouraged. Each issue includes scholarly articles which have been subject to independent peer review as well as essays and poetry selected by the editors.
The views expressed in the individual contributions do not necessarily reflect those of the editors or reviewers.
PAN is distributed by Informit Press and is available for subscription at informit.com.au. However copies of all the contents of PAN may also be accessed here free of charge via the Monash University repository. Clicking on the title of an article will take you to the entry for that article in the repository, from whence the article may be downloaded.
- , English Studies, James Cook University
Ontopoetics Editor
- , Philosophy, Latrobe University
Poetry Consultant
- , Trinity College, University of Melbourne
Series Editor
International Advisory Board
- David Abram, Director, Alliance for Wild Ethics, USA
- Rev. Dr. Vicky Balabanski, Department of Theology, Flinders University
- Sigurd Bergmann, Professor of Religious Studies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
- Laurence Coupe, Independent Scholar, UK
- Patrick Curry, Private scholar, UK
- Stephan Harding, Head of Holistic Science, Schumacher College, UK
- Graham Harvey, Professor in Religious Studies, Open University, UK
- Guo Hui, Associate Professor of Social Ecology, Nanjing Forestry University, China
- Serenella Iovino, Professor of Ethics, University of Turin, Italy
- Catherine Keller, Professor of Systematic Theology, Drew University, USA
- Tim Morton, Professor of Literature and Environment, Rice University, USA
- Michael Nelson, Chair of Natural Resources and Professor of Environmental Philosophy and Ethics, Oregon State University, USA
- Michael Northcott, Professor of Ethics, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Serpil Oppermann, Professor of Environmental Humanities, Cappadocia University
- Kate Rigby, Environmental Humanities, Bath Spa University and Monash University
- Deborah Bird Rose, Adjunct Professor of Environmental Humanities, University of New South Wales, Australia
- David Rothenberg, Professor of Philosophy, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
- Michael Smith, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Queen’s University, Toronto, Canada
- Bron Taylor, Professor of Religion & Nature, University of Florida, USA
- Ted Toadvine, Professor of Philosophy, University of Oregon, USA
- Nic Trakakis, Assistant Director of the Centre for Philosophy and Phenomenology of Religion, Australian Catholic University, Australia
- Louise Westling, Professor Emerita of Literature and Environment, University of Oregon, USA
- Anthony Weston, Professor of Philosophy and Environmental Studies, Elon University, USA
- Wendy Wheeler, Emeritus Professor of English and Cultural Enquiry, London Metropolitan University, UK
- Linda Williams, Associate Professor of Art, Environment and Cultural Studies, RMIT University, Australia
- David Wood, Professor of Philosophy, Art and European Studies, Vanderbilt University, USA
© PAN Partners, Melbourne, Australia.