Instructions for Authors

PAN welcomes offers of papers, prose or poetry for publication in future issues. Contributions are considered on the understanding that they are not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. They should be written in language suitable for a wide audience. Contributions, which should not exceed 5000 words, should be double-spaced. They may be submitted electronically by email.
Authors submitting articles for blind peer review are asked to indicate this in a covering letter and should provide a summary of 100 - 200 words and up to five keywords for the use of abstracting services.
Authors of essays should keep the number of footnotes and references to a minimum.
All authors should identify themselves only on the title page, which should show their names, emails, full postal addresses, and any acknowledgements in the form preferred for publication. A full postal address for editorial correspondence should also be provided.
Endnotes should be numbered consecutively through the text. References in footnotes should conform to the following style:
- F. Emery & E. Trist (1975), Towards a Social Ecology, Plenum Press, New York.
- C.A. Lewis (1991), "Gardening as Healing Process" in M. Francis & R.T. Hester (eds), The Meaning of Gardens, MIT Press, Cambridge, Ma. pp. 244 - 251.
- I.G. Simmons (1999), "Ecology, Economy, Worldview," Worldviews: Environment, Culture, Religion 3, (1) pp. 69-84.
Authors whose articles are accepted for publication will be asked to reformat in accordance with journal formatting guidelines. The editors reserve the right to make alterations to articles and essays which do not involve any change of meaning. Contributors are expected to assign copyright to the publisher. They are, however, free to use material in subsequent publications written or edited by themselves provided PAN is acknowledged as the original place of publication.