Back Issue
Issue Number 12, 2016
Emotional Practices / Geographical Perspectives
Treeptych: Three tree-oriented pieces of flash nonfiction
Treeptych: Contextualising Statement
A case of place: Solastalgia comes before the court
Houyhnhnm: Empathic relationship with the horse and its environment
The place of pastoral in contemporary British writing
What lies beneath: Reading Melbourne’s CBD through ‘The Another View Walking Trail’
Beyond civilization-versus-nature Dennis Lee’s new ontology of the natural world in Civil Elegies
Double Vision: Melrose Street, Massachusetts 2009/1911
Love and vision: The story of Kathleen McArthur’s care for wallum country
Reading Walkabout in Osaka: Travel, mobility, and place-making
Museal Moods and the Santos Museum of Economic Botany (Adelaide Botanical Garden)
Bird-watching with Elizabeth Gould at Bowra Conservation Sanctuary
In place of nature—a response to Leigh Woods
Walking through Lightning: A peripatetic bioregional reading of a novel
Affective modes of cinematic inquiry: Oil and subjective distance in Crude (2016) and Flight (2016)