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Issue Number 7, 2010


Cultures of sustainability : editorial introduction

Scholarly Articles

Battling the land and global anxiety : science, environment and identity in settler Australia

One wolf girl battles against all mankind : the new breed of female werewolf as eco-warrior in contemporary film and fiction

What is the role of the arts in the face of this? : an exploration in the context of systems thinking and the transition to sustainability

Still country : continuity and change in a warming world

Otari-Wilton’s bush : restoring plants, stories and hope in one New Zealand valley

Fight and Fall

I Think I Can : building a sense of ecological efficacy in the classroom

Introduction : Gernot Bohme, “The space of poetry”

The space of poetry

The importance of creative writing

An ecosemiotic approach to nature writing

Myth and metaphor : key issues in Hans Blumenberg's cultural anthropology


Autopoiesis and ecopoetry

Permapoesis and artist as family


An ode to the local Claudian's De Sene Veronensi qui suburbium suum numquam egressus est ("Concerning the old man of Verona who has never left his own neighbourhood")

Birds pine tree and elm tree and sky

Two poems by Anne Elvey

Flame robin in a clearfell

Fire Diary

Four poems by Helen Moore


The poetics and politics of the desert : landscape and the construction of America

Xerophilia : ecocritical explorations in Southwestern literature

Here on Earth : an argument for hope

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